Top 5 Reasons to Use a Nanny Agency


If you have never worked with a nanny agency before, you might be wondering if it’s worth the cost or if you should just take your chances on finding your own nanny. Below are some reasons why you might get better results from working with an agency.

  • Access to pre-screened nannies

    If you are working with a professional agency, all of the candidates they submit to you will have undergone thorough background checks, DMV driving record checks, and a sex offender registry check. These checks are not free and nanny agencies generally use the best screening services out there. Screening your potential nanny is often the most important part of the hiring process in order to keep your family safe.

  • Personalized selection of professionally trained nannies

    The best of the best candidates use nanny agencies because we provide a salary on the books, legally binding contracts, and great potential positions for them. We also send our clients a personalized candidate pool that fits the needs of their specific family.

  • Customized legally binding contracts

    After the client has chosen a nanny that they wish to hire we create a legal contract between the client and the nanny. This is very important because it protects both the client and the nanny. It can include hours, salary, duties, travel arrangements, and etc. Contracts can prevent conflict between families and nannies because they clearly outline the job expectations. 

  • It will save you time and energy sorting through resumes

    Sorting through the pile of resumes is possibly the most time-consuming part of the process. A nanny agency does this for you and chooses the candidates that most closely fit your needs. 

  • Ongoing support and advice from your agency

    Your agency will provide answers and support if any problems arise with your nanny. This is especially important if you have never hired a nanny before. You can reach out to your agency at any time and get the help you need. 


6 Reason to Become a Career Nanny


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